Windows 10 20H2 v19042.572 Ultra Lite Final x64 pt-BR Torrent

Windows 10 20H2 v19042.572 Ultra Lite Final x64 pt-BR Torrent

Windows 10 20H2 v19042.572 Ultra Lite Final x64 pt-BR

Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite Update

======= REMOVED =====

Rede Features


Cortana- Research Working


Inflammation -V

Screen protectors

Microsoft Edge

Metro Applications

Onedrive – more to be able to be reinstalled again

Microsoft Store: Device Design and Management. OBS: Microsoft file login for software applications

===== DISABLED ====

Central aes OFF

Animaes and Windows DISABLED

Shadow in janelas na course OFF

OBS: Instalao Automatica De Drivers Working, aps Drivers Install Dos Desative Or Windows Update

==== INTEGRATED =====


Classic calculator


Imagem Classico Viewer

Microsoft Edge Chromium installer – est for Windows inquiry

Microsoft Store: Device Design and Management

==== System to face Domestic ====

No Office Document Edio

Video and audio production

Browse the Internet

Microsoft Store apps iro Work

Some games are not working

Microsoft Store.

=== Uncompact Files ====

discharge as a medium, colored parts as pasta parts, and they will fall off in 1 day


Download: 2 GB

Credits: Gleison Lima

Architecture: x64

Keywords: pt-BR (Native)

BIOS: UEFI / Legacy

formed: ISO / ESD

MD5: D380728D58530F73281A762BE2C1CDF5

Windows 10 20H2 v19042.572 Ultra Lite Final x64 pt-BR

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  • Windows 10 20H2 v19042.572 Ultra Lite Final x64 pt-BR Torrent Download
  • Windows 10 20H2 v19042.572 Ultra Lite Final x64 pt-BR Download
  • Windows 10 20H2 v19042.572 Ultra Lite Final x64 pt-BR torrent

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